Case Study
PRx Wholsale
Building a ERP from beginning to end
Bringing medication from the distributor to your local pharmacy is a far more involved process than one may think. PRx is a wholesale pharmaceutical distributor responsible for the sale and delivery of medication to pharmacies per their needs. As such, their supply chain management must be conducted with accuracy and efficiency. There are compliance regulations, legal restrictions, and government requirements that took this project beyond the basic commerce CRM (customer relationship management software). Through the utilization of clear, consistent communication, internal education, and teamwork Lion + Panda was able to not only fulfill but exceed the clients’ needs and expand their platform for a more intuitive and comprehensive client-to-customer experience.
Originally, PRx came to Lion + Panda for a basic inventory software solution that would allow them to view their product availability which was fundamentally a simple request. As our team delved deeper into our client’s request, we began to see a greater need for a more encompassing software program that would allow PRx to track their entire inventory, sales, warehouse, and delivery process from start to finish. Lion + Panda needed to go beyond mere functionality and into a more agile software development process, building layer by layer to benefit the client and their pharmaceutical customer base.
PRx needed more than your average shopping cart software, so we worked in tandem with their sales team to gain a better understanding of their distribution system and its operation. The prescription drug market is a very fluid and ever-changing arena, which required the Lion + Panda team to develop a nimble system that could keep up with demands consistently. This would allow PRx to remain true to its mission statement of bringing its customers the very best.
At the same time, as our team learned more about the requirements of PRx, we began to see the need for a distribution system on a large scale. This is where Scott Salyer, our CTO (Chief Technology Officer), came into play. With 20 years of experience in the software industry, Scott could see the need for an architectural solution that would cater to the PRx system on a larger scale than they were currently operating. With the aid of our development team, they were able to create an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning tool) platform that would scale the company for years to come. This allowed PRx to maintain the core of their software system as well as the ability to add new functionality without having to restructure the entire system whenever a change was necessary. This streamlining also allows PRx to reduce the complexity of integrations with various third parties, making it more user-friendly for their internal team.
Building the ERP system for PRx included developing a more precise inventory management system that would be user-friendly to the sales team, while remaining functional and nimble for the warehouse team. Lion + Panda worked alongside them to help streamline invoicing, analytics, shipping, manufacturing, and warehouse/ordering management for immediate, accurate reference on their inventory.
Working with a pharmaceutical distribution company came with unique challenges that required Lion + Panda to remain flexible. Our top priority became ensuring the security of the PRx system and developing our internal understanding of the legality required in working with pharmaceutical company expectations.
Understanding the legal process of wholesale medication and distribution required a more decisive effort to ensure compliance with all necessary regulations. Lion + Panda reached out to a contact on the Ohio Board of Pharmacy for a better understanding of industry standards that could help us move forward with greater confidence. We took the initiative to learn more about state licensing, FDA regulation compliance, and shipping compliance to ensure that our software would be able to follow the chain of custody with attuned accuracy. This educational effort also means that we can continue to partner with PRx down the road to greater effect.
Lion + Panda takes a great deal of pride in forming long-term relationships with our clients through our reliability and service. We continue to work with PRx to help develop their distribution system through the balance of practical implementation and innovative technology. Recently we have started working on scanners to replace their current inventory input, which involves our team learning how to program new hardware. When completed, this system will allow the warehouse and sales team of PRx to retrieve inventory data with greater speed and keep their customers up to date on what is currently available. This will help expedite the retrieval and shipping process from the warehouse to the pharmacy.
Developing a working relationship with a high-quality client is undeniably worth the effort. Not only has Lion + Panda proven the adaptability of its team to work with new technology and requirements, but we have also increased our internal education on software, legal knowledge, and understanding that can be carried forward into future clients’ requests. We were able to accurately meet PRx’s expectations as well as develop a more functional system of operations without adding needless complexity. Lion + Panda has helped to mitigate human error through the implementation of a clean and comprised inventory system, minimizing our clients’ legal risks. Our efforts have helped PRx increase its distribution reach, allowing for its business to keep growing as the demand for pharmaceuticals increases.