Voice Recognition in the Modern Marketplace
The Future is Now For decades science fiction touted the futuristic concept of being able to speak to your computer and have it obey your orders. Now it’s so commonplace that we have household devices made specifically with that in mind. It’s an appealing transition into tomorrow, isn’t it? Hands-free communication allows us to organize, […]
Are Your Digital Advertising Campaigns Relevant on Paid Search and Advertising Platforms?
If you’re not getting the marketing results you want from your Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and Social Media Digital Advertising campaigns, there may be a simple fix you haven’t tried yet. Improving the relevance of your campaigns to better target your audience and keywords will help you make sure that potential customers see your ads instead of […]
How to Build a Web Application
Applications take many forms in today’s digital world. From web applications to native mobile apps, we are creating more and more tools to be added to our digital toolbox. For many people, creating something like a web application is a very new experience from previous work they have done. In a previous post, I spend […]
Website vs. Web Application – What’s the Difference?
When people are considering the digital presence they want to create, there’s an issue that can quickly arise – “Do I need a website or a web application?” The question tends to be more convoluted, but the basic element is whether they are creating a ‘basic’ website or a more dynamic web application. And for […]