Posts Tagged with Trends

Top Ten Design Predictions for Graphic Design Trends in 2024

As cultural trends and advancing technology become available, the client landscape alters and expects new things from creators in the modern digital marketplace. With 2023 coming to an end, it should come as no surprise that at Lion & Panda, we are analyzing the shifting field of graphic design. Each of our clients has a […]

The Digital Marketing Landscape in 2023

As we enter into 2023 many companies are moving forward, incorporating the latest trends in digital marketing strategies. Your business needs to stay ahead of the game to maximize your customer interactions and impact. Today’s customer is more educated and more discerning about the companies they work with. Read ahead to learn more about digital […]

Top Five Web Design trends for 2023

As the year begins to close, we here at Lion & Panda like to look toward the future and the challenges it brings. As a Cincinnati local company, we pay close attention to the coming trends for web design and development so we can stay on top of our customer’s needs. With that in mind […]

Person Working on their Digital Advertising

Are Your Digital Advertising Campaigns Relevant on Paid Search and Advertising Platforms?

If you’re not getting the marketing results you want from your Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and Social Media Digital Advertising campaigns, there may be a simple fix you haven’t tried yet. Improving the relevance of your campaigns to better target your audience and keywords will help you make sure that potential customers see your ads instead of […]

A cartoon illustration of a machine creating men who emerge using an iPad

5 Web Design Trends To Look For In 2021

It’s a bit ironic that I am writing a top trend post given my habit of largely eschewing trends in my own work. The issue I have with trends is that they are…well, trends. By their nature, they may make your website aesthetically obsolete in a year. Nonetheless, every January I find myself consuming top […]