Ideas are Cheap

Everyone Has Marketing Ideas (And Ideas Are Cheap)

Every business owner thinks they’re a marketing genius. You’ve got ideas—big, bold, brilliant ideas—ready to shake up the world. And we love that energy, really. But here’s the thing: ideas are cheap. Seriously, everyone has ideas. Your neighbor, your cousin, that guy who cuts your hair—heck, even your dog probably has a few ideas if you look into their soulful eyes long enough. But good marketing? That’s not about having ideas. It’s about knowing which ideas to throw in the trash and which ones to run with.

As marketers, we’re here to save you from the worst enemy you never knew you had: yourself. Because while you might have a million ideas about how to market your business, there’s a big difference between a clever concept and a strategy that actually works. Let’s dive into why trusting the professionals might be the best idea you haven’t had yet.

Ideas Are Cheap: Execution Is Everything

Look, we get it. You’re passionate about your business. You’ve built it from the ground up, nurtured it like a baby, and you want to tell the world about it in the most spectacular way possible. But here’s a little secret from the marketing trenches: ideas are a dime a dozen. It’s the execution that separates the big wins from the “what were we thinking?” moments.

Case in point: That “genius” idea to drop your entire marketing budget on a Super Bowl ad? Sounds fun, but unless you’re selling snacks, beer, or some new-fangled gadget that looks great on TV, it’s probably not the best use of your cash. Or that plan to throw your logo on a blimp? Sure, it’s eye-catching, but it might not drive the leads you’re hoping for unless you’re specifically targeting blimp enthusiasts (in which case, call us—we have questions).

Why Every Business Owner Thinks They’re a Marketer (Hint: You’re Not)

Here’s the thing: marketing is everywhere. You see it, you hear it, you scroll past it a thousand times a day. So, it’s only natural to think, “Hey, I can do that too!” But just because you’ve got some snappy ideas doesn’t mean you know what works. In fact, research from Gartner shows that 76% of marketing ideas fail to deliver results because they aren’t backed by a solid strategy or data. Ouch.

Ideas are easy. Anyone can come up with a quirky campaign slogan after a couple of beers or decide to run a flashy ad in the local paper. But when it comes down to actually reaching the right audience, at the right time, with the right message? That’s where it gets complicated. And that’s where we come in.

How Marketers Save You from Your Own Brilliant (and Sometimes Terrible) Ideas

Let’s be honest: the world is full of great ideas that went nowhere because they were based on gut feelings rather than hard data. As marketers, our job is to sift through those “brilliant” ideas and figure out which ones have legs and which ones are just… ideas. We’re here to provide a reality check, based on years of experience, mountains of data, and the scars of campaigns past.

  • We’ve Seen It All (And Then Some): Trust us, you’re not the first to think that launching a mascot-driven ad campaign is the next big thing. We’ve seen ideas that range from mildly questionable to full-on bonkers. But here’s the beauty of experience: we know what works, and we know what doesn’t. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 63% of companies that document their marketing strategy are more likely to achieve their marketing goals. And guess who’s great at documenting strategies? Us.
  • We Bring Data to the Table: You’ve got a hunch that your customers love branded stress balls. Cool story, but we’d rather trust the data. McKinsey found that companies using data-driven marketing achieve 15-20% higher ROI than those that don’t. Instead of gambling your budget on a hunch, we analyze trends, track behaviors, and measure performance to build strategies that are rooted in reality, not wishful thinking. So while you’re thinking about launching a national print campaign because “print isn’t dead,” we’re checking where your audience is actually spending their time (hint: it’s probably not flipping through magazines).
  • We Know When to Say No: Sometimes, the best thing we can do is stop you from yourself. You might have a list of ideas that stretches from here to the moon, but that doesn’t mean they’re all good ideas. When you come to us with a plan to do a flash mob in a corporate office park or hand out branded yo-yos at a financial seminar, we’ll be the ones gently suggesting a different path. Because no, a flash mob isn’t always the answer.

Sometimes, the best way we can help is by providing a much-needed reality check. We know you’re brilliant, but so is every other business owner with a vision. The challenge is turning that vision into something that connects with your audience and drives real results. And that’s where we excel. A study from Salesforce shows that marketers who integrate data and customer insights into their strategies are 36% more likely to exceed their goals. That’s what we do—we take those wild, unfiltered ideas and channel them into a focused strategy that doesn’t just make noise but actually moves the needle.

Because Ideas Without Execution Are Just Daydreams

Look, we love creativity. We live for it. But we also know that creativity without strategy is just a waste of time and money. It’s not enough to have ideas; you need to know how to bring them to life in a way that makes sense for your brand, your audience, and your goals.

Imagine you’re on a ship, navigating through stormy seas. Your ideas are the wind in the sails, but without a steady hand at the wheel, you’re just going to spin in circles. We’re the captains who’ve weathered the storms, charted the courses, and know when to adjust the sails.

We get it—every business owner has ideas, and they’re proud of them. And you should be! But sometimes, you need to let the professionals take the reins. We’re not here to kill your creativity; we’re here to channel it into something powerful, something strategic, something that actually works. Because at the end of the day, it’s not about having ideas; it’s about knowing which ones are worth pursuing.

So, next time you’re tempted to throw your entire budget behind a plan to sponsor a neighborhood squirrel race (yes, that was a real idea), give us a call. We’re here to save you from yourself—and we promise, your business will thank you for it.